Here is my schedule for January:
Day 1: Sunday - my neck is hurting but I have a 3 mile interval on the agenda for the day. I am researching marathon nutrition as I feel that will be the key to my success.
3 mile interval COMPLETE: 5 min warm up (3 min fast walk and 2 min stretch), 1 min all-out sprint (7-8 min mile) 1 min walk, 3 min steady run (9-10 min mile); repeat 5 times. I felt pretty good except for my neck which was very tense. Hopefully this gets better ASAP.
Day 2: Monday - my neck is still very tense. And Christian is sick, coughing and congestion, so I can't take the kids to the gym for hot yoga or hip hop tonight. I didn't get any workout in today but I did spend hours outside with the kids so I was very active.
Day 3: Tuesday - My neck is still sore but I made it to barre today. It felt great to get back in the gym and the kids are starting to feel better!
Day 4: Wednesday - Went to the chiropractor this morning and it is a muscle that is inflamed and pushing on a nerve in my neck/shoulder. I feel looser already! I even went to hot yoga today at noon. I need to get some more runs in, though!
Day 5: Thursday- Supposed to be a rest day after my Wednesday run. But since I didn't get my run in on Wednesday, I did 4 miles on the treadmill today. My neck didn't hurt much at all and I did it at 10 min 40 second pace! It took longer than that though, since the kids like to ask me for things while I'm on the treadmill.
Day 6: Friday - Went to chiropractor again today and my neck is gradually feeling better. Been icing it every night too. I got my 3 miles in on the treadmill today. I felt slow today and tired. So I'm taking Saturday off as a rest day.
Day 7: Saturday - Rest Day! Need to get 5 miles in tomorrow so I need to be strong for that. It's supposed to be 60 something tomorrow so I'm hoping to get my run in outside!
Nutrition: I have been drinking a green smoothie every morning for breakfast and veggies/quinoa for lunch. Dinner has been a little off and I need to quit snacking at night. I don't sleep as good and I can't wake up refreshed. I reserved a couple books at the library on marathon nutrition so I'm picking those up and hopefully get a nutrition plan for the next couple months.