Monday, February 6, 2012

Fit Mama's Top Weight Loss Tips

At the beginning of every year, it's the same thing....tons of weight loss product commercials and deals at local gyms.  Everyone is capitalizing on people's new years resolutions:  to lose weight.  Don't be captivated by all the weight loss gimmicks!  There is NO QUICK FIX to losing weight, keeping the weight off, and being healthy.  Trust me!  I know from personal experience, as a person who tried all the gimmicks.  I decided to write a blog on this topic because while I'm doing my Hulu workouts, there are tons of commercials for Jenny Craig and Slim Fast.  I am very bothered by their commercials, promising "fast" weight loss, and still being able to eat "chocolate and loads of pasta".  Slimfast's catchphrase is "who has time to slim slow".  I wonder how many millions of people waste their money on such programs, only to find out that maintaining (any) weight loss after they stop the program is VERY difficult.  I am not going to bash them too much but I am confident that the percentage of people that either don't lose weight or can't maintain the weight loss is very high. 

 This is me 8 months after I had my 4 y.o., in November 2007, on our anniversary trip to Maui.
This is me 11 months after my last child, in November 2011, on our anniversary trip to Aspen.  I weigh about 8 lbs lighter now than I did in this pic.  This is the healthiest (not just thinnest) I have ever been in my life.

So instead of any weight loss gimmicks, here are some tried and true ways to lose weight and keep it off:
1.  Count calories

Although there is some debate over whether or not you should count calories, I still believe 100% in it.  It is simply a math calculation.  Calories taken in - calories burned = weight loss or weight gain.  Every 3500 lbs = 1 lb.  The average 150 lb woman burns about 2200 calories per day (being pretty inactive).  The more active you are, the more you burn.
I highly recommend downloading a calorie counting app on your phone (I use MyFitnessPal) or finding one online to input your daily food intake and exercise.  You must input EVERYTHING you put in your mouth, or it doesn't work.  Those 10 animal crackers you ate while waiting for your soup to heat up?  About 100 calories, put it in there!  You will find yourself budgeting your food like you do your money.  And, when I started doing this, I stopped eating pointless food or nutritionally void food just because I was bored.  I didn't want to "waste" my calories for that day on something that wasn't delicious. 
2.  Eat Clean - With all that being said about counting calories, this one is just as important.  When I lost 100 lbs after I had my first baby, I did so counting calories but eating food that was really bad for me.  Snickers bar instead of an apple or chips instead of some veggies & healthy dip.  A calorie was a calorie right?  Wrong.  I felt sick most of the time:  bloated, tired, chronic illness, etc.
Instead, eat foods that are nutritionally dense:
  • veggies
  • fruits
  • whole wheat, whole grain  
  • Check the ingredient list on the foods you buy.  Make sure there's no chemicals added, no artificial flavors or colors.  
  • Keep your sugar intake in check 
  • Find low-sodium on any of your typical canned products
3.  Drink enough water

Many experts have different answers for how much water you should drink.  I strive for 8-10 glasses of water per day.  Some say divide your body weight in half and that's how many ounces of water you should drink.   If I have a big workout or run, I drink more.  Dehydration can cut metabolism by as much as 80%!!!
  • Drink 2 large glasses of water first thing in the morning, before you put anything in your mouth.
  • Drink at least 1 large glass of water before you sit down to eat a meal.
  • Bring bottled water with you if you know you are going to be running around without access to water.
  • Bring a large bottle of water to work with you to refill as necessary. 
4.  Exercise
(This was me right after I finished my half-marathon in November 2011)

Experts say that losing weight is 80% how you eat and 20% exercise.  For me, exercise is my de-stresser, it tones me up, and gives me motivation to eat better.  I could workout 7 days a week and if I didn't change my eating habits, I would never lose weight.  Get your nutrition in check then establish a good workout routine that works for you.  Don't make exercise an excuse to eat whatever you want!  Make it a motivation to eat better.  When was the last time you spent 2 hours at the gym and wanted to go through Braum's drive-thru and get an ice cream sundae?  It would defeat all of your efforts!
  • Find fitness that is fun - dance classes, kickboxing, hiking, running, cycling, swimming, playing basketball, try them all and see which one(s) you can incorporate into your weekly routine
  • Change up your routine - don't just do the same exact workout.  Not only will you be working the same muscles every time, but more than likely you will get bored and quit.
  • Make it convenient - got 20 minutes?  Do a quick 20 minute pilates video, turn on the Nike Training app and do a couple of the "focus" workouts (10 min each), do a fitness video on Hulu, run around your neighborhood or on the treadmill at a fast or varying pace (1 min high intensity, 1 min low intensity...repeat)
  • Be creative - Got stairs?  Run up and down your stairs 10 times.  I guarantee your heart rate will skyrocket.  See how fast you can pick up all the toys in the living room, do squats &/or lunges when you bend down to pick anything up off the ground, dance with your toddler...I could go on and on.  Make it a game, you can literally make any activity into a workout.
  • Find a workout buddy - I've said this several times.  It is very good to have a workout buddy, especially when you're just starting out, to get into the habit of exercise.  It is much harder to miss that hour at the gym or scheduled run when you know someone is meeting you there.

5.  Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime - I always heard this, but I never really tried it until recently.  I thought it didn't matter what time of day you eat, just how many calories you eat in that day.  But, I was waking up really groggy and had a hard time getting out of bed.  I decided to try and not eat the evening snacks for a little while just to see if it had any effect on my sleep.  I started waking up in the morning with energy.  I didn't need my coffee right off the bat.  I wasn't groggy and felt more clear-minded.  Which is a big deal for me, because I am used to being kind of scatterbrained.  I had less of a drop in blood sugar and it was easier for me to only eat when I was hungry.  So, now I am a firm believer in this. 
7.  Keep quick and healthy snacks on hand at all times

This is essential to weight loss/maintenance.  There were many days, I would leave the house and run errands all day.  When I would get home, I was STARVING and just had to eat whatever I could find.  I didn't have quick and healthy snacks on hand so I ate whatever was easy:  chips, fruit snacks (mostly the kids' unhealthy snacks).  Here are a couple things I always have on hand now:
  • Whole wheat or brown rice tortillas or my whole wheat crackers (recipe found here) with:
    • Hummus
    • Salsa
    • Black beans or kidney beans
    • Laughing cow cheese
  • Baby carrots & cucumber slices with goddess dressing
  • Fruit (bananas, grapes, etc.)
  • Homemade PB Balls or Protein Bars (see recipes on this blog)

8.  Don't eat until you're hungry - This was a hard lesson to learn because it was so ingrained in my brain to eat as soon as I rolled out of bed in the morning or to snack in the afternoon or eat lunch at 12:00 sharp, etc.  I started asking myself "am I actually hungry?"  Or "am I just eating to eat?"  Instead I now have a huge glass of water and see a couple minutes later if I still feel like eating.  There are many times I am just really thirsty, not hungry at all!  Start asking yourself this question and I can assure you that you will stop eating just to eat, or out of boredom.

I really hope this helps... I went through a lot to figure this out.  I am still learning, but I definitely feel healthier now than I ever have in my life and I am 30 years old with 4 kids!  Thanks for reading!!

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